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Häufig gestellte Fragen

DoctorBox App

How much does it cost to register with DoctorBox?
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Welche Anforderungen sollte mein Smartphone erfüllen?
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How can I download the DoctorBox app?
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How long does it take to confirm my identity?
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Kann ich die DoctorBox auf mehreren Geräten nutzen?
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Wie erhalte ich mein Testergebnis?
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Warum ist die Ergebnisabfrage nur in der DoctorBox App möglich?
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Wann bekomme ich mein Testergebnis?
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Ich habe meinen Barcode nicht mehr zur Verfügung, komme ich trotzdem an mein Ergebnis?
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Für wen sind die Heimtests nicht geeignet?
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DoctorBox Pro

What is DoctorBox?
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What is the DoctorBox Pro?
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What are the technical requirements?
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Can I use the DoctorBox video consultation?
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What are the technical requirements for the video consultation?
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Are the sessions limited in time?
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Is the DoctorBox video consultation free of charge?
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What kind of support do you offer users?
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How long is the contract termination period?
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Where can I get the Doctorbox emergency sticker? Will there be any costs for me?
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I have the Björn Steiger Foundation emergency card. How does it work?
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I have the emergency card of the German Heart Centre Berlin (Aortic Patient:in). Is there anything I need to be aware of?
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Is "non-digital" use possible?
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How do I set up the emergency sticker?
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What can I keep in the emergency sticker?
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What happens if the emergency sticker or emergency card is lost?
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What happens to my emergency data after an emergency?
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How is my emergency data protected?
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Data protection and data security

Do I need to give the DoctorBox app access rights on my smartphone?
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Is my data safe in the DoctorBox?
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Can DoctorBox employees see my data?
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What happens if I lose my smartphone? Is my data still safe?
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Who can access my data?
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Can my doctor see my data?
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Can anyone who uses my mobile phone see my data?
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Wie lösche ich alle meine Daten/mein Konto in der DoctorBox?
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I have lost my mobile phone, what do I do now?
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Can I use a second device?
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What are the benefits of end-to-end encryption?
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How does end-to-end encryption work?
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What is a private key / private key?
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What is a passphrase?
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What if I can no longer find my private key?
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How should I store my private key?
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Unfortunately, my problem is not listed.
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